An infographical guide
to 3D Printers
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Printers 3D
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Professional 3D Printers

Professional 3D Printers provide a much better resolution and build quality, and are more likely to incorporate features like different colour options.  The trade off for the higher quality is price, with professional 3D printers costing, on average, much more than home printers. See below for a list of some of the professional printers on the market: more

Professional 3D Printers

Professional 3D Printers

3D Systems Projet 1000
3D Systems Projet 1000
Designed to bring high-resolution, durability, accessiblity and to educators, students and professionals, at an affordable price.
Connex3 Multi-material
Connex3 Multi-material
The world's first commercial full-colour multi-material 3D printer
3D ZCorp ZPrinter
3D ZCorp ZPrinter
Z Corporation Z Printers are some of the world’s fastest high-definition printers 3D, capable of producing physical 3D models from digital data in full color.
Dimension 3D printers are used by many leading companies like Black and Decker, Segway, John Deere, Sony, Duracell, General Motors and Electrolux.
YBRP Metal Printer
YBRP Metal Printer
A relatively low cost SLS machine from China that can print in a variety of metals.