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The NextEngine 3D Scanner

The NextEngine 3D Scanner (pictured right) captures objects in full color using multiple precision lasers.

The unit contains everything you need to digitise 3D models, including ScanStudio HD software. Exports to STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ and other formats.

The digital 3D scan models that are outputted can be edited using popular design software like SolidWorks, 3ds Max, ZBrush, Rhino, Mathematica and more. ScanStudio CAD Tools are included with the package and allowing users to quickly make surface files or RapidWorks to build solid files. The models can then be printed on Dimension, 3D Systems, zCorp, Objet, and other 3D printers.

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The NextEngine 3D Scanner

The NextEngine 3D Scanner

The NextEngine 3D Scanner currently retails for around $2,995 in the States

NextEngine 3D Scanner Features:

  • Compact desktop scanner provides full 360 degree laser scanning.
  • Delivers a good combination of power and affordability. At 0.12mm accuracy, it rivals systems costing 10 times the price.
  • Compared with many £10,000+ scanners, NextEngine’s data is clean and consequently the 3D models it creates require less editing to tidy them up. The surface data can be used straight from the scanner.
  • Captures details that many high end scanners do not including rich, full colour surface photo data.
  • Utilises all-new electro-optical architecture and sophisticated new algorithms (Worldwide Patents Pending) in which an array of lasers scan the object in parallel resulting in higher throughput and much better data integrity.
  • No size limit. Objects upto 300mm tall can be scanned in one take with either Macro or Wide fields.
  • For larger objects, a number of individual scans can be merged together.

Z Corporation also manufacture portable handheld 3D scanners that digitize 3D surfaces in real time, creating 3D printer-ready files.

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