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BotObject Colour 3d Printer

The ProDesk3D 3D printer made by botObjects could be the first full color desktop 3D printer, using a cartridge system that mixes five base colors of PLA plastic.

When designing the ProDesk3D, BotObjects starting point was to anticipate how 3D printers might look in 5 years time, clearly differentuating the printer from its "kit-like contemporaries".

The ProDesk3D sports an anodized aluminum body making it look a lot smarter than much of the competition.

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BotObject Colour 3d Printer

BotObject Colour 3d Printer

BotObjects also develop software for 3D printing, and they claim the innovative ProDesk3D "takes the pain out of software configuration, working straight out of the box".

The ProDesk3D is capable of printing 3D objects down to 25-micometer detail.

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